What differentiates us most from other solutions on the market are OUR ABSORBENTS.
To devise our absorbents we have combined our knowledge of general chemistry with knowledge of the specific chemistry of non-metallic materials with high melting points and silicates. This has allowed us to manufacture absorbents with a ceramic matrix base mixed with the active phases of our composition.
Our absorbents have high porosity and permeability, which gives them a high degree of absorption, due to the large contact surface between the active phase and the contaminants.
The properties of our absorbents are in a constant process of improvement, due to the permanent investment in R&D&i, which has led us to include nanotechnologies in our products, which we are already applying in our ceramic matrices, using nanostructured materials, which allow us to significantly increase the performance of our absorbents.
The compositions of our absorbents are chosen depending on the contaminants to be eliminated, in order to have a high reactivity with them and produce the most neutral products for the environment as a result of the chemisorption processes.